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Darlene Birdwell


I’ve always been happy creating with my hands. As a child this involved mud pies, potholders, finger-paints, and tye-dye.


I was drawn to being a potter before I ever took my first pottery class.  I knew my desire to create with my hands made clay a perfect medium for me. Even with the frustrations of a beginner I found throwing a lump of clay on the potter’s wheel very satisfying. Clay is an amazing substance. It can be extremely fragile yet can also endure for centuries. Clay can respond to a touch and form a beautiful vessel but can also distort or even collapse with another touch. I love working with clay and creating pieces I hope will be enjoyed by others.


I plan to be a lifelong student learning everything I can from the masters. But I also want to remember the freedom of exploration I possessed as a child — making mud pies — no instruction needed.










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